Ellen White writing

The Ellen White Research Project: Exposing the Subtle Attack on the Bible's Authority
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Today's Highlights Thu., Mar. 6, 2025
Criticism Spotlight
Moody, Sankey, and the Shut Door   One critic wonders how Ellen White could teach the shut door, when so many were being converted in the crusades of Moody and Sankey. We took a look at a few resources on the lives of these great Christian evangelists, and were a bit amused at what we found.

"Contradiction #23: Deity Did Not Die"
"Contradiction #28: Satan Bears Our Sins"
 "Ellen White Contradicted Herself by Wearing Jewelry"

Insightful Info
Zinc Deficiency: A Multitude of Diseases   Ellen White identified a host of diseases resulting from a practice she called "secret vice." It is now known that the very diseases she mentioned result from zinc deficiency, a deficiency associated with "secret vice."

The Jews Expected a Divine Messiah
Lawlessness in New Orleans
 Why More Hurricanes Now?

Her Beliefs
Eschatology: The Millennium   Ellen White's eschatology was most definitely pre-millennial. She believed in a millennium composed of a literal 1000 years, immediately preceded by a literal second coming of Christ. However, her view of what takes place during the millennium was somewhat different from that of many evangelicals. See if you think her views were biblical or not.

Hell & Eternal Torment
 The Infallible Word of God

Quote for Today (How we select)
    "There are conscientious souls that trust partly to God and partly to themselves. They do not look to God, to be kept by His power, but depend upon watchfulness against temptation and the performance of certain duties for acceptance with Him. There are no victories in this kind of faith. Such persons toil to no purpose; their souls are in continual bondage, and they find no rest until their burdens are laid at the feet of Jesus."
(Faith and Works 38)
True?   False?   Don't Know?  
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Fulfilled or Fallacy?
Balls of Fire and Fiery Arrows: Incendiary Bombs?   In 1904 and 1906 Ellen White described seeing balls of fire falling and destroying buildings. The 1906 description included fiery arrows jetting out from these balls, which then ignited fires. Was she seeing some of modern warfare's new weaponry?

 Scientists: What Causes Hurricanes Like Katrina?
Slavery Revived at the End of Time
Two World Wars Predicted

About Her Visions
Angelic Influence Illustrated: Colt Tamed   While traveling to Poland Maine in a wagon drawn by a dangerous, partly-broken colt, Ellen White had a vision. During this vision the colt stayed perfectly still, though James hit it quite hard, and though Ellen put her hand on its flank. The colt was "completely tame" from that point onward.

Secret Thoughts & the 7th Commandment
A Spirit Medium Flees Away
A Stone Mason Couldn't Bend Her Arm

Life Sketch Snippet
Two Dreams   Soon after this I had another dream. I seemed to be sitting in abject despair with my face in my hands . . . . This dream gave me hope. The green cord represented faith to my mind, and the beauty and simplicity of trusting in God began to dawn upon my soul.   [more]

Free at Last
Sharing the Joy
 James' Stroke

Featured Book
The Story of Patriarchs and Prophets   Chapter 38: The Journey Around Edom. "The encampment of Israel at Kadesh was but a short distance from the borders of Edom, and both Moses and the people greatly desired to follow the route through this country to the Promised Land; accordingly they sent a message, as God had directed them, to the Edomite king— 'Thus saith thy brother Israel, Thou knowest all the travail ..."

Christ's Object Lessons
Sketches From The Life of Paul
Steps to Christ

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