Sketches From The Life of Paul
by Ellen G. White
Chapter 20: Paul a Prisoner.
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Part: A
These cutting reproofs, though presented by
the Majesty of Heaven, the Jews of Nazareth
refused to hear. They had but a moment before
witnessed to the gracious words that proceeded
from his lips; the Spirit of God was speaking
to their hearts; but the instant a reflection was
cast upon them,—at the first intimation that
persons of other nations could be more worthy
of the favor of God than they,—those proud, [p. 231] unbelieving Jews were frantic with rage. They
would have taken the life of the Son of God,
had not angels interposed for his deliverance.
Those men of Nazareth manifested the same
spirit toward Christ which their forefathers had
manifested toward Elijah. Blinded by Satan,
they could not perceive the divine character of
the Son of God, or appreciate the truth and
purity of his instructions.
The Saviour's words of reproof to the men
of Nazareth apply in the case of Paul, not only
to the unbelieving Jews, but to his own brethren
in the faith. Had the leaders in the church
fully surrendered their feelings of bitterness toward
the apostle, and accepted him as one specially
called of God to bear the gospel to the
Gentiles, the Lord would have spared him to
them to still labor for the salvation of souls.
He who sees the end from the beginning, and
who understands the hearts of all, saw what
would be the result of the envy and jealousy
cherished toward Paul. God had not in his
providence ordained that Paul's labors should so
soon end; but he did not work a miracle to
counteract the train of circumstances to which
their own course gave rise.
The same spirit is still leading to the same
results. A neglect to appreciate and improve
the provisions of divine grace, has deprived the
church of many a blessing. How often would
the Lord have prolonged the life of some faithful
minister, had his labors been appreciated. But
if the church permit the enemy of souls to pervert
their understanding, so that they misrepresent
and misinterpret the words and acts of
the servant of Christ; if they allow themselves [p. 232] to stand in his way and hinder his usefulness,
the Lord removes from them the blessing which
he gave.
Satan is constantly working through his
agents to dishearten and destroy those whom
God has chosen to accomplish a great and good
work. They may be ready to sacrifice even
their own life for the advancement of the cause
of Christ, yet the great deceiver will suggest
doubts, distrust, jealousy, concerning them, that
if entertained will undermine confidence in their
integrity of character, and thus cripple their
usefulness. Too often he succeeds in working
through their own brethren, to bring upon them
such sorrow and anguish of heart that God
graciously interposes to give his persecuted servants
rest. After the hands are folded upon the
pulseless breast, after the voice of warning and
encouragement is silent, then death may accomplish
that which life has failed to do; then the
obdurate may be aroused to see and prize the
blessings they have cast from them.
The great work for us as Christians is not to
criticise the character and motives of others, but
to closely examine our own heart and life, to
jealously guard ourselves against the suggestions
of Satan. We should bear in mind that it is
not the hearers of the law that are justified before
God, but the doers of the law. If the principles
of God's law rule in our hearts, we shall
have the spirit of Christ; we shall manifest in
our daily life that mercy which is better than
sacrifice. Every Christian must be a learner in
the school of Christ; and there is need of diligent
and persevering effort to reach that standard
of righteousness which God's word requires. [p. 233] Every one has a work to do to learn the lessons
of justice, humility, patience, purity, and love.
These traits of character are more precious in
the sight of our Lord than offerings of gold or
silver. They are more acceptable to him than
the most costly sacrifice.
There is the same dislike of reproof and
correction among the professed people of God to-day
as in the days of our Saviour. There is the
same disposition to lean toward the world and
to follow its mocking shadows. The presence
of ambitious, selfish, time-serving members is
imperiling the church, whose greatest danger is
from worldly conformity. Such members are
constantly exerting an influence to unite the
church more closely with the world. They are
doing the work of Satan. When God sends his
servants with words of warning or counsel, these
traitors to their holy trust reject the Heavensent
message, and thus not only slight the grace
of Christ themselves, but lead others also to
smother their convictions and lose the proffered
By resistance to the truth, the hearts of such
are settling down into the fatal hardness of confirmed
impenitence. They are deceiving themselves,
and deceiving others. They are Christians
by profession; they pay outward homage to
Christ; they unite in the services of the sanctuary;
and yet the heart, whose loyalty alone
Jesus prizes, is estranged from him. They have
a name to live, but are dead. They are left to
the darkness they have chosen,—the blackness
of eternal night.
It is a fearful thing for those who profess to
be children of God, to cross the line of demarkation [p. 234] that should separate the church from the
world. Such are Satan's most effective agents.
He works through them with decision, zeal, and
persistency, to devise and execute such enormities
against those who are true to God, as the common
sinner would seem incapable of. The very
light they have slighted makes their darkness
tenfold greater than it otherwise would be.
When men refuse to accept the light which God
in mercy sends them, they know not where they
are going. They take only one step at a time
away from the right path; but these successive
steps lead directly to perdition. They place
themselves on Satan's ground, and his spirit controls
them. They cannot perceive the great
change in themselves. None are transformed
at once; but they enter Satan's school instead
of the school of Christ, and the great deceiver
educates them to do his work.
Part: A
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