Sketches From The Life of Paul
by Ellen G. White
Chapter 30: Paul Before Nero.
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When Paul was summoned to appear before
the emperor for his trial, it was with the near
prospect of certain death. The aggravated nature
of the crime charged against him, and the
prevailing animosity toward the Christians, left
little ground for hope of a favorable issue.
It was the practice among the Greeks and
Romans to allow an accused
person an advocate
to present his case in a court of justice, and to
plead in his behalf. By force of argument, by
his impassioned eloquence, or by entreaties, prayers,
and tears, such an advocate would often
secure a decision in favor of the prisoner, or failing
in this, would mitigate the severity of his
sentence. But no man ventured to act as Paul's
counsel or advocate; no friend was at hand, even
to preserve a record of the charges brought
against him by his accusers, or of the arguments
which he urged in his own defense. Among
the Christians at Rome, there was not one who
came forward to stand by him in that trying
hour. [p. 311]
The only record of the occasion is given in
the words of Paul himself, in the second letter
to Timothy: "At my first answer no man stood
with me, but all men forsook me; I pray God
that it may not be laid to their charge.
Notwithstanding, the Lord stood with me, and
strengthened me; that by me the preaching might
be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might
hear; and I was delivered out of the mouth of
the lion."
Paul before Nero—how striking the contrast!
The very height of earthly power, authority, and
wealth, as well as the lowest depths of crime and
iniquity, had been reached by the haughty monarch
before whom the man of God answered for
his faith. In his power and greatness, Nero
stood unrivaled, unapproached. There were none
to question his authority, none to resist his will.
The kings of the earth laid their crowns at his
feet. The most powerful armies marched at his
command. The ensigns of his navies upon the
seas betokened victory. His statue was set up
in the halls of justice, and the decrees of senators
and the decisions of judges were but the echo
of his will. Millions of subjects bowed in
obedience to his mandates. The name of Nero
made the world tremble. To incur his displeasure
was to lose property, liberty, and life. His
frown was more to be dreaded than the pestilence.
Yet while surrounded by all the outward
semblance of earthly pomp and greatness, adored
and reverenced as a god in human form, he
possessed the heart of a demon.
Paul the aged prisoner, without money, without
friends, without counsel, had been brought
forth from a loathsome dungeon to be tried for [p. 312] his life. He had lived a life of poverty, self-denial,
and suffering. With a sensitive nature
that thirsted for love and sympathy, he had
braved misrepresentation, reproach, hatred, and
abuse; shrinking with nervous dread from pain
and peril, he had fearlessly endured both. He
had been, like his Master, a homeless wanderer
upon the earth; he had lived and suffered for the
truth's sake, seeking to relieve the burdens of
humanity, and to exemplify in his life the life of
Christ. How could the capricious, passionate,
licentious tyrant, who had no conception of the
value of a self-denying, virtuous, noble life, be
expected to understand or appreciate the character
and motives of this son of God?
Paul and Nero face to face!—the youthful
monarch bearing upon his sin-stamped countenance
the shameful record of the passions that
reigned within; the aged prisoner's calm and
benignant face telling of a heart at peace with God
and man. The results of opposite systems
of training and education stood that day
contrasted,—the life of unbounded self-indulgence
and the life of utter self-sacrifice. Here were
the representatives of two religions,—Christianity
and paganism; the representatives of two
theories of life,—the simplicity of self-denying
endurance, ready to give up life itself, if need be,
for the good of others, and the luxury of
all-absorbing selfishness, that counts nothing too
valuable to sacrifice for a momentary gratification;
the representatives of two spiritual powers,—the
ambassador of Christ and the slave of
Satan. Their relative position showed to what
extent the course of this world was under the
rule of the prince of darkness. The wretch [p. 313] whose soul was stained with incest and matricide,
was robed in purple, and seated upon the throne,
while the purest and noblest of men stood before
the judgment-seat, despised, hated, and fettered.
The vast hall which was the place of trial was
thronged by an eager, restless crowd that surged
and pressed to the front to see and hear all that
should take place. Among those gathered there
were the high and the low, the rich and the poor,
the learned and the ignorant, the proud and the
humble. Yet all alike were destitute of the true
knowledge of the way of life and salvation.
Again the Jews urge against the prisoner the
old charges of sedition and heresy, while both
Jews and Romans accuse him of instigating the
burning of the city. While his enemies were
vehemently urging their accusations, Paul
preserved a quiet dignity; no shade of fear or anger
disturbed the peaceful serenity that rested upon
his countenance. The people and even the judges
beheld him with surprise. They had been present
at many trials, and had looked upon many
a criminal; but never had they seen a man wear
such a look of holy calmness as did the prisoner
before them. The keen eyes of the judges,
accustomed as they were to read the countenances
of their prisoners, searched the face of Paul for
some hidden trace of crime, but in vain. When
he was permitted to speak in his own behalf,
all listened with eager interest to his words.
Once more Paul had an opportunity to raise
aloft before a wondering multitude the banner of
the cross of Christ. With more than human
eloquence and power, he that day urged home
upon their hearts the truths of the gospel. The
wisdom of God was revealed through his servant. [p. 314] As Paul stands before the emperor of the world,
his words strike a chord which vibrates in the
hearts of even the most hardened, and which
thrills in unison with the mission of angels.
Truth, clear and convincing, overthrows error
and refutes falsehood. Never before had that
company listened to words like these. Light was
shining into darkened minds that would gladly
follow the guidance of its precious rays. The
truths spoken on that occasion would never die.
Though the utterance of a feeble and aged
prisoner, they were destined to shake the nations.
They were endowed with a power that would
live through all time, influencing the hearts of
men when the lips that uttered them should be
silent in a martyr's grave.
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