Cancer Caused by an Infectious Agent
The year was 1905. A fund raiser was needed to assist Adventist medical institutions in
getting out of debt. Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, inventor of corn flakes and sundry other foods,
wrote a book entitled Living Temple to serve this purpose. But Living Temple
contained elements of pantheistic philosophy, something akin to New Age teachings, and so it
could not be used. As a substitute, Ellen White donated her book, Ministry of Healing.
On page 313 of Ministry of Healing we read this intriguing statement:
Flesh was never the best food; but its use is now
doubly objectionable, since disease in animals is so
rapidly increasing. Those who use flesh foods little
know what they are eating. Often if they could see
the animals when living and know the quality of the
meat they eat, they would turn from it with loathing.
People are continually eating flesh that is filled
with tuberculous and cancerous germs. Tuberculosis,
cancer, and other fatal diseases are thus
communicated.—emphasis added.
The above claims that cancer is caused by a "germ," which is some sort of microorganism like
a bacteria or fungus or virus. Of course, it's common knowledge in today's medical and
scientific communities that viruses cause cancer, but it wasn't common knowledge
back then. To illustrate, consider the following:
Francis Peyton Rous —National Library of Medicine |
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Rous, pronounced rows, Francis Peyton,
pronounced PAY tuhn (1879-1970), an American
medical researcher, proved that viruses cause some
types of cancer. In 1910, Rous ground up a cancerous
tumor from a chicken and filtered out everything
larger than a virus. The resulting liquid
produced cancer when injected into other chickens.
For many years, scientists scoffed at Rous’s discovery.
These scientists believed cancer could not be
caused by a virus because the disease is not
contagious. In 1966, Rous shared the Nobel Prize for
physiology or medicine for his work.—"Rous, Francis
Peyton," World Book Encyclopedia.
So in 1910, a maverick medical researcher proposed that cancer
was caused by a virus and could be transmitted from
chicken to chicken. He was subsequently derided by
the scientific community for proposing such a
ludicrous idea, and then waited fifty-six years before
collecting his Nobel Prize. Do you suppose that perhaps
Mr. Rous "plagiarized" his novel idea from Ministry
of Healing?
More importantly, how in the world did Ellen White know that
cancer is caused by an infectious agent?
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