Ellen G. White Prophet for Today?
We Analyze, You Decide!
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Today's Highlights Sat., Sep. 7, 2024
Criticism Spotlight
Borrowing from Conybeare and Howson: An Analysis   Back in 1919, Dudley Canright charged that Ellen White had plagiarized her 1883 book, Sketches from the Life of Paul, from a book by two British authors. He went so far as to claim that the authors had even threatened a lawsuit. Was there any truth in all of this? In this series of pages we examine the comparisons between the two books provided for us by critic Sydney Cleveland.

 "Ellen White Contradicted Herself by Wearing Jewelry"
Ellen White Copied Her Chapter Titles from Edersheim . . . or Was It Vice Versa?
Family Planning: a "Hypocritical Liar"?

Insightful Info
Lawlessness in New Orleans   Ellen White connected natural disasters in the end of time with "scenes of strife." After seeing the looting and lawlessness that gripped New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina hit, we think we can see some reasons why.

Cancer Caused by Dormant Oncogenes
The Jews Expected a Divine Messiah
The Possibility of Genetic Engineering

Her Beliefs
The Infallible Word of God   Ellen White repeatedly referred to the Bible as being infallible. At the same time, she was unsparing in her opposition to "higher criticism." To her, God had inspired the Bible writers with divine thoughts, which they then put into their own words. It was therefore her contention that the thoughts expressed by the words of Scripture were true.

Eschatology: The Millennium
Hell & Eternal Torment

Quote for Today (How we select)
    "A mere profession of godliness is worthless. It is he that abideth in Christ that is a Christian. For 'every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.' In every clime, in every nation, our youth should cooperate with God. The only way a person can be pure is to become like-minded with God. How can we know God?—By studying his word. 'And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.'"
(Youth's Instructor 2/15/1894)
True?   False?   Don't Know?  
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Fulfilled or Fallacy?
Scientists: What Causes Hurricanes Like Katrina?   Ellen White predicted that scientists would falsely attribute hurricanes and other disasters to mere naturalistic processes. Oddly enough, many scientists have done that very thing in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, casting blame upon global warming and weather cycles.

Moses Hull
"No Safety in Possessing Flocks or Herds"
The Tsunami of 2004 & Sunday Breaking

About Her Visions
"Don't Rebut Their Lies"   Five men, including John Loughborough and James White, laid plans to rebut the lies of certain critics, only to be warned against such a course by a timely vision. Check and see if the results of their change of plans matched the prediction of the vision.

 Angelic Influence Illustrated: Colt Tamed
"I Am Quite Certain That She Did Not Breathe"
"I Held Her Thus with My Hand About Ten Minutes, Long Enough for Her to Suffocate"

Life Sketch Snippet
Conversion at Camp Meeting   The following summer my parents went to the Methodist camp meeting at Buxton, Maine, taking me with them. I was fully resolved to seek the Lord in earnest there, and obtain, if possible, the pardon of my sins. There was a great . . . .   [more]

The Joy of Knowing the Grace of Christ
William Miller Returns to Portland in 1842
 James' Stroke

Featured Book
The Story of Patriarchs and Prophets   Chapter 42: The Law Repeated. "The Lord announced to Moses that the appointed time for the possession of Canaan was at hand; and as the aged prophet stood upon the heights overlooking the river Jordan and the Promised Land, he gazed with deep interest upon the inheritance of his people. Would it be possible that the sentence pronounced against him for his sin at Kadesh might ..."

Christ's Object Lessons
Sketches From The Life of Paul
Steps to Christ

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