Sketches From The Life of Paul
by Ellen G. White
Chapter 12: Apollos at Corinth.
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After leaving Corinth, Paul's next scene of labor
was at Ephesus. He was on his way to Jerusalem
to celebrate the approaching festival; and his
stay at Ephesus was necessarily brief. He reasoned
with the Jews in the synagogue, and produced
so favorable an impression that he was entreated [p. 119] to continue his labors among them. His plan to
visit Jerusalem prevented him from tarrying; but
he promised to labor with them on his return. He
had been accompanied to Ephesus by Aquila and
Priscilla, and he now left them to carry forward
the good work which he had begun.
It was at this time that Apollos, an Alexandrian
Jew, visited Ephesus. He had received the highest
Grecian culture, and was a scholar and an orator.
He had heard the teachings of John the Baptist,
had received the baptism of repentance, and
was a living witness that the work of the prophet
was not in vain. Apollos was a thorough student
of the prophecies, and an able expounder of the
Scriptures, publicly proclaiming his faith in Christ,
as far as he himself had received the light.
Aquila and Priscilla listened to him, and saw
that his teachings were defective. He had not a
thorough knowledge of the mission of Christ, his
resurrection and ascension, and of the work of his
Spirit, the Comforter which he sent down to remain
with his people during his absence. They accordingly
sent for Apollos, and the educated orator
received instruction from them with grateful surprise
and joy. Through their teachings he obtained a
clearer understanding of the Scriptures, and became
one of the ablest defenders of the Christian church.
Thus a thorough scholar and brilliant orator learned
the way of the Lord more perfectly from the teachings
of a Christian man and woman whose humble
employment was that of tent-making.
Apollos, having become better acquainted with
the doctrine of Christ, now felt anxious to visit
Corinth, and the Ephesian brethren wrote to the
Corinthians to receive him as a teacher in full harmony
with the church of Christ. He accordingly went to [p. 120] Corinth, and labored with the very Jews who had
rejected the truth as preached to them by Paul.
He reasoned with them from house to house, both
publicly and privately, showing them Christ in
prophecy; that he was Jesus whom Paul had
preached, and that their expectations of another
Messiah to come were in vain. Thus Paul planted
the seed of truth, and Apollos watered it; and the
fact that Apollos supported the mission of Paul
gave character to the past labors of the great
apostle among them.
His success in preaching the gospel led some
of the church to exalt his labors above those of Paul,
while he himself was working in harmony with
Paul for the advancement of the cause. This
rival spirit threatened to greatly hinder the
progress of truth. Paul had purposely presented the
gospel to the Corinthians in its veriest simplicity.
Disappointed with the result of his labors at Athens,
where he had brought his learning and eloquence
to bear upon his hearers, he determined to
pursue an entirely different course at Corinth. He
presented there the plain, simple truth, unadorned
with worldly wisdom, and studiously dwelt upon
Christ, and his mission to the world. The eloquent
discourses of Apollos, and his manifest learning,
were contrasted by his hearers with the purposely
simple and unadorned preaching of Paul.
Many declared themselves to be under the leadership
of Apollos, while others preferred the labors
of Paul. Satan came in to take advantage of these
imaginary differences in the Corinthian church,
tempting them to hold these Christian ministers in
contrast. Some claimed Apollos as their leader,
some Paul, and some Peter. Thus Paul, in his efforts
to establish Christianity, met with conflicts and
trials in the church as well as outside of it. [p. 121]
Factions also were beginning to rise through the
influence of Judaizing teachers, who urged that the
converts to Christianity should observe the ceremonial
law in the matter of circumcision. They still
maintained that the original Israel were the
exalted and privileged children of Abraham, and were
entitled to all the promises made to him. They
sincerely thought that in taking this medium ground
between Jew and Christian, they would succeed in
removing the odium which attached to Christianity,
and would gather in large numbers of the Jews.
They vindicated their position, which was in
opposition to that of Paul, by showing that the course
of the apostle, in receiving the Gentiles into the
church without circumcision, prevented more Jews
from accepting the faith than there were accessions
from the Gentiles. Thus they excused their opposition
to the results of the calm deliberations of
God's acknowledged servants.
They refused to admit that the work of Christ
embraced the whole world. They claimed that he
was the Saviour of the Hebrews alone; therefore
they maintained that the Gentiles should receive
circumcision before being admitted to the privileges
of the church of Christ.
After the decision of the council at Jerusalem
concerning this question, many were still of this
opinion, but did not then push their opposition
any farther. The council had, on that occasion,
decided that the converts from the Jewish
church might observe the ordinances of the Mosaic
law if they chose, while those ordinances should
not be made obligatory upon converts from the
Gentiles. The opposing class now took advantage
of this, to urge a distinction between the observers
of the ceremonial law and those who did not [p. 122] observe it, holding that the latter were farther from
God than the former.
Part: A
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