Sketches From The Life of Paul
by Ellen G. White
Chapter 8: Opposition at Thessalonica.
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Part: A
After leaving Philippi, Paul and Silas made
their way to Thessalonica. They were there
privileged to address a large concourse of people
in the synagogue, with good effect. Their
appearance bore evidence of their recent shameful
treatment, and necessitated an explanation of [p. 82] what they had endured. This they made without
exalting themselves,
but magnified the grace
of God, which had wrought their deliverance.
The apostles, however, felt that they had no time
to dwell upon their own afflictions. They were
burdened with the message of Christ, and deeply
in earnest in his work.
Paul made the prophecies in the Old Testament
relating to the Messiah, and the agreement of
those prophecies with the life and teachings of
Christ, clear in the minds of all among his hearers
who would accept evidence upon the subject.
Christ in his ministry had opened the minds of
his disciples to the Old-Testament scriptures;
"beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he
expounded unto them in all the scriptures the
things concerning himself." Peter, in preaching
Christ, produced his evidence from the Old-Testament
scriptures, beginning with Moses and the
prophets. Stephen pursued the same course, and
Paul followed these examples, giving inspired
proof in regard to the mission, suffering, death,
resurrection, and ascension of Christ. He clearly
proved his identity with the Messiah, through
the testimony of Moses and the prophets; and
showed that it was the voice of Christ which
spoke through the prophets and patriarchs from
the days of Adam to that time.
He showed how impossible it was for them to
explain the passover without Christ as revealed
in the Old Testament; and how the brazen
serpent lifted up in the wilderness symbolized Jesus
Christ, who was lifted up upon the cross. He
taught them that all their religious services and
ceremonies would have been valueless if they
should now reject the Saviour, who was [p. 83] revealed to them, and who was represented in
those ceremonies. He showed them that Christ
was the key which unlocked the Old Testament,
and gave access to its rich treasures.
Thus Paul preached to the Thessalonians three
successive Sabbaths, reasoning with them from
the Scriptures, upon the life, death, and
resurrection of Christ. He showed them that the
expectation of the Jews with regard to the Messiah
was not according to prophecy, which had foretold
a Saviour to come in humility and poverty,
to be rejected, despised, and slain.
He declared that Christ would come a second
time in power and great glory, and establish his
kingdom upon the earth, subduing all authority,
and ruling over all nations. Paul was an
Adventist; he presented the important event of the
second coming of Christ with such power and
reasoning that a deep impression, which never
wore away, was made upon the minds of the
They had strong faith in the second coming
of Christ, and greatly feared that they might not
live to witness the event. Paul, however, did
not give them the impression that Christ would
come in their day. He referred them to coming
events which must transpire before that time
should arrive. Writing to them afterwards, he
warned them that they should "be not soon shaken
in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by
word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of
Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by
any means; for that day shall not come, except
there come a falling away first, and that man
of sin be revealed, the son of perdition."
Paul foresaw that there was danger of his [p. 84] words being misinterpreted, and that some would
claim that he, by special revelation, warned the
people of the immediate coming of Christ. This
he knew would cause confusion of faith; for
disappointment usually brings unbelief. He
therefore cautioned the brethren to receive no such
message as coming from him.
In his Epistle to the Thessalonians, Paul
reminds them of his manner of laboring among
them. 1 Thess. 2:1-4. He declares that he did
not seek to win souls through flattery, deception,
or guile. "But as we were allowed of God to
be put in trust with the gospel, even so we speak;
not as pleasing men, but God, which trieth our
hearts." Paul rebuked and warned his converts
with the faithfulness of a father to his children,
while, at the same time, he cherished them as
tenderly as a fond mother would her child.
Part: A
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