Sketches From The Life of Paul
by Ellen G. White
Chapter 16: Second Epistle to the Corinthians.
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Part: A
It was through the counsel of God that he had
been turned away from his original purpose of
visiting them, so that when he should go to them,
it would not be with the rod of correction, but
with love, approval, and the spirit of meekness.
He had felt that more could be gained by his
letter than by his presence at that time. He had
admonished them to put away the evils existing
among them, before he should visit Corinth in
His compassion for them is evinced by his
advice that the ones who had been dealt with for
their sins, having given proof of their repentance,
should be received with love and kindness. They
were at liberty to act in his behalf toward the
repenting sinner. If they could forgive and
accept the penitent, he, acting in Christ's stead,
would ratify their action. Thus the apostle shows
his confidence in the wisdom of the church, and
recognizes their authority to receive again into
their fellowship those who had once injured the
cause by their wicked course, but had now become
truly penitent.
Paul's opposers in the church made use against
him of his failure to visit Corinth according to [p. 181] his promise, and argued that he was inconsistent
and vacillating, changing his plans according to
his convenience or inclination. But the apostle
solemnly assures his Corinthian brethren that the
reports were untrue, and that their knowledge
of him should convince them of their injustice.
His change of purpose, viewed from any standpoint,
was no evidence that his doctrine was
uncertain. As God was true and faithful, Paul's
preaching was not in uncertainty or contradiction.
After he had once declared the doctrine of
Christ, he had said yea in Christ, and had never
after said nay; or, in other words, had never
retracted a single point which he had established
by the word of God. His testimony had been
straightforward, uniform, and harmonious, and
exemplified by his own life.
He and his fellow-laborers had been, in their
teachings and doctrine, unchangeable. Their
course had been consistent and unwavering.
They had ever assured their hearers that salvation
was to be found alone in Christ. In matters
of customs and ceremonies, the apostle declared
that he had wisely met the people where they
were, that none might be turned from the truth by
pressing upon them that which was of no vital
importance. He had carefully instructed them
in the truly essential matters of the faith.
The apostle declares that their belief in the
truths of the gospel was not the result of wisdom
of words in their teachers. No human power
had worked the great change. They had not
been converted from heathenism to Paul or to
any other man, but to Christianity. God had
accepted them and made them his children,
stamping his divine image upon their hearts [p. 182] through the transforming power of his Spirit and
grace. But it was necessary that those among
them who had perverted the gospel of Christ, and
corrupted the pure doctrines taught by him,
should be rebuked, to prevent them from corrupting
others, and that all might be warned by
seeing that the frown of God was upon those
enemies of the faith.
After informing his brethren of his great
anxiety in their behalf, and the relief that he
experienced at the coming of Titus, the apostle
breaks forth with a voice of praise and triumph:
"Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth
us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest
the savor of his knowledge by us in every place.
For we are unto God a sweet savor of Christ, in
them that are saved, and in them that perish."
The figure in the apostle's mind was that of a
general returning from a victorious warfare,
followed by a train of captives, according to the
custom of the day. On such occasions there were
persons appointed as incense-bearers. As the
army marched triumphantly home, the fragrant
odors, the signal of victory, were to the captives
appointed to die a savor of death, in that it
showed them they were nearing the time of their
execution. But to those of the prisoners who
had found favor with their captors, and whose
lives were to be spared, it was a savor of life, in
that it showed them that their freedom was near.
Paul had been an ardent opposer of the gospel,
but he had been conquered by light from Heaven,
and had yielded himself a captive of Christ. He
had become an incense-bearer, signaling the
victory of Christ over his enemies. Paul was now
full of hope and faith. He felt that Satan was [p. 183] not to triumph over the work of God. The praise
and gratitude of his heart was poured forth as a
precious ointment. He determined that the name
and salvation of Jesus should be diffused by him
as a sweet odor. He and his fellow-laborers
would celebrate their victory over the enemies of
Christ and the truth. They would go forth to
their duties with new zeal and courage to spread
the knowledge of Christ, as a stream of fragrant
incense, through the world. To those who would
accept Christ, the message would be a savor of
life unto life; but to those who would persist in
unbelief, it would be a savor of death unto death.
Paul, feeling the overwhelming magnitude of
the work, exclaims, "And who is sufficient for
these things?" Who is competent to preach
Christ in such a way that his enemies shall have
no just cause to despise him or the message which
he bears? Paul would impress upon believers the
solemn responsibility of the gospel ministry.
Faithfulness in preaching the word, joined to a
pure and consistent life, would alone make the
efforts of ministers acceptable to God, and profitable
to souls. Ministers of our day, burdened
with a sense of the greatness of the work, may
well exclaim, with the apostle, "Who is sufficient
for these things?"
Part: A
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