Sketches From The Life of Paul
by Ellen G. White
Chapter 2: Conversion of Saul.
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Part: A
Now Christ had spoken to Saul with his own
voice: "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?"
And the question, "Who art thou, Lord?" was
answered by the same voice, "I am Jesus, whom
thou persecutest." Here Christ identifies
himself with his suffering people. Saul, in
persecuting the followers of Jesus, had struck directly
against the Lord of Heaven. Jesus declares that
in afflicting his brethren upon earth, Saul had
struck against their Head and Representative
in Heaven. In falsely accusing and testifying
against them, he had falsely accused and testified
against the Saviour of the world. Here it is
plainly seen that Christ suffers in the person of
his saints.
When the effulgent glory was withdrawn, and
Saul arose from the earth, he found himself
totally deprived of sight. The brightness of
Christ's glory had been too intense for his mortal
sight, and when it was removed, the blackness of
night settled upon his vision. He believed that
his blindness was the punishment of God for his
cruel persecution of the followers of Jesus. He
groped about in terrible darkness, and his
companions, in fear and amazement, led him by the
hand into Damascus.
How different from what he had anticipated
was his entrance into that city! In proud
satisfaction he had neared Damascus, expecting on
his arrival to be greeted with ostentation and
applause because of the honor conferred upon
him by the high priest, and the great zeal and [p. 26] penetration he had manifested in searching out
the believers, to carry them as captives to
Jerusalem, there to be condemned, and punished without
mercy. He had determined that his journey
should be crowned with success; and his courageous
and persevering spirit quailed at no
difficulties or dangers in the pursuance of his object.
He had determined that no Christian should
escape his vigilance; he would inquire of men,
women, and children concerning their faith, and
that of those with whom they were connected;
he would enter houses, with power to seize their
inmates, and to send them as prisoners to
But how changed was the scene from that
which he had anticipated! Instead of wielding
power and receiving honor, he was himself
virtually a prisoner, being deprived of sight, and
dependent upon the guidance of his companions.
Helpless, and tortured by remorse, he felt
himself to be under sentence of death, and knew not
what further disposition the Lord would make of
He was taken to the house of the disciple
Judas, and there he remained, in solitude, studying
upon the strange revelation that had broken
up all his plans, and changed the entire current
of his life. He passed three days in perfect
blindness, occupying that terrible time with
reflection, repentance, and earnest prayer, neither
eating nor drinking during that entire period.
With bitterness he remembered Stephen, and the
evidence he had given of being sustained by a
power higher than that of earth. He thought
with horror of his own guilt in allowing himself
to be controlled by the malice and prejudice of [p. 27] the priests and rulers, closing his eyes and ears
against the most striking evidence, and relentlessly
urging on the persecution of the believers
in Christ.
He was in lonely seclusion; he had no
communication with the church; for they had been
warned of the purpose of his journey to
Damascus by the believers in Jerusalem; and they
believed that he was acting a part the better to
carry out his design of persecuting them. He
had no desire to appeal to the unconverted Jews;
for he knew they would not listen to or heed his
statements. He seemed to be utterly shut out
from human sympathy; and he reflected, and
prayed with a thoroughly broken and repentant
Those three days were like three years to the
blind and conscience-smitten Jew. He was no
novice in the Scriptures, and in his darkness and
solitude he recalled the passages which referred
to the Messiah, and traced down the prophecies,
with a memory sharpened by the conviction that
had taken possession of his mind. He became
astonished at his former blindness of understanding,
and at the blindness of the Jews in
general, in rejecting Jesus as the promised
Messiah. All now seemed plain to him, and he knew
that it was prejudice and unbelief which had
clouded his perceptions, and prevented him from
discerning in Jesus of Nazareth the Messiah of
This wonderful conversion of Saul demonstrates
in a startling manner the miraculous power of
Christ in convicting the mind and heart of man.
Saul had verily believed that to have faith in
Jesus was virtually to repudiate the law of God [p. 28] and the service of sacrificial offerings. He had
believed that Jesus had himself disregarded the
law, and had taught his disciples that it was now
of no effect. He believed it to be his duty to
strive with his utmost power to exterminate the
alarming doctrine that Jesus was the Prince of
life; and with conscientious zeal he had become
a persevering persecutor of the church of Christ.
But Jesus, whose name of all others he most
hated and despised, had revealed himself to Saul,
for the purpose of arresting him in his mad
career, and of making, from this most unpromising
subject, an instrument by which to bear
the gospel to the Gentiles. Saul was
overwhelmed by this revelation, and perceived that
in opposing Jesus of Nazareth, he had arrayed
himself against the Redeemer of the world.
Overcome by a sense of his guilt, he cried out,
"Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" Jesus
did not then and there inform him of the work
he had assigned him, but sent him for instruction
to the very disciples whom he had so bitterly
Part: A
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